Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Fluid Design

Fluid Design are a Birmingham based design company that started in 1995 with a focus for digital design and design for print and packaging. Interestingly, a large proportion of their portfolio seems to be designs for video games packaging or promotion which isn't really something I have seen before in a design agency.
I am interested in video games to a degree so this is quite an interesting aspect of the agency.
They work with image and type a lot and use much more flashy graphics than many other design companies, usually revolving around illustrations. This lets it cross over into the video games industry really well because the graphics that they create are usually bold and vibrant.

However, as well as these designs for video games and games advertising, the agency also have some really impressive book design and packaging which uses much more simple contemporary graphic design and look brilliant as well. 

This could be a really good potential company to contact, the only problem being that they are based in Birmingham which is no where near anywhere that I will ever really be. Still, it couldn't hurt to email them or contact them with my work to see what they think or if they have any advice.

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